131008 Wheat. Barley, Faba Beans - Crop Tour wih Tim Oakely (6)

Australia produces the highest quality 2-row barley, with production up to 8 million tonnes per annum. Barley is Australia’s second largest crop next to wheat. Australia is renown for producing  a reliable supply of high quality barley in a clean green environment. Australian barley is highly sought after for malting, brewing and distilling, both domestically and internationally. Approximately 75% of the Australian barley crop is used as feed in the cattle industry (beef and dairy).

Available Packaging – Farmer dressed bulk in Containers or truck.

Varieties and Grades

For preferred or accredited Malting Barley varieties please refer to Barley Australia as they vary from state to state. The Barley Australia Preferred List is updated annually by Barley Australia as a guide to industry on market preferred varieties. Barley varieties on the Preferred List are determined by marketing companies who are members of Barley Australia and reflect those malting varieties which, in their opinion, are sought by purchasers of Australian malting barley.