
World Food SafetyDay 7th June 2021
Adams Australia recognises that “Food Safety is Everyone’s Business”. We have been celebrating some great achievements over the past year in the Food Safety space, both within our own processes and with our supply chain partners and customers. Some highlights include:
- 100% compliance with our in-house Food Safety Objectives (zero food recalls, zero food safety-related customer complaints).
- Performing at a very high level with our ongoing SQF certification with scores of 97 and 95 out of 100 for the past 2 independent audits.
- Rollout of Food Safety Awareness sessions across all teams, with all staff accountable for food safety.
- Creation and implementation of new Adams Australia Commodity Vendor Declaration including acknowledgement of food safety responsibilities for grain suppliers and growers.
- Working with growers on improving turnaround times for receipt of Commodity Vendor Declarations with grain coming into our facility for processing.
- 8 supplier audits conducted across multiple states by our in-house quality team to ensure our high standards and product integrity are being maintained through the supply chain.
- Key staff attendance at workshops, conferences, webinars and live-stream events (including: Allergens workshop (BVAQ); Grain Storage and Protection Conference (GTA); Visualising Food Safety Culture webinar (SQFI)).
- Creation and implementation of a Gluten-free Grain Management Plan.
- Active involvement with industry representative bodies including Pulse Australia and the Australian Mungbean Association.
Investing in food safety is a strategy that we recognise as integral for not only running a responsible and profitable business, but also best practice for agribusiness playing their part in tackling global issues such as food security, protection of public health, protection of trade and the economy, improving sustainability, minimising negative environmental impact and reducing waste in general.
“Safe food now for a healthy tomorrow”……………”If it is not safe, it is not food”.